RecordsForBuildings App
RecordsForBuildings App
RecordsForBuildings is a market-leading App available for Android & IOS handheld devices. The app links with RFB, enabling users to undertake regular health, safety and compliance monitoring checks and inspections of their choice on their handheld devices.
Setup and build any type of monitoring or inspection programmes on RFB and they will be directly linked with RecordsForBuildings allowing those undertaking inspections a completely paperless way of completing their work schedule.
How Does RecordsForBuildings Work?
Use RecordsForBuildings to record:

Legionella monitoring tasks
Water Safety Monitoring
Water Sampling
Cooling Tower Water Treatment
Asbestos Condition Inspections
Fire Safety Equipment Checks
Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Monitoring
Closed Circuit Water System Monitoring
Accident & Near Miss Reporting
Fixed Wire Testing
Lift Safety Inspections
Tree Safety Assessments
Key Features

Free to download on Apple & Google Play to any RFB user
Instant data connection to RFB by WIFI or mobile data
User-friendly priority flags highlight overdue work
GPS, time and date stamps for all readings
Optional barcode scanning for asset labels
Quick search function for buildings and Assets
Add photos and draw sketches against readings
Create and assign remedial actions for non-compliant data
Complete and send signed digital service sheets to RFB