Health, Safety & Compliance
Health, Safety & Compliance
RFB is an interactive, intelligent and user-friendly Health, Safety and Compliance management
tool utilised widely by Building and Compliance Managers who are required to oversee and report on legislative compliance disciplines within their organisations.
Centralise all health, safety and compliance risk assessments, reports and routine inspections into one system. Allow your suppliers access to upload their assessments and actions and eliminate the need for multiple systems for individual safety disciplines.
How Does RFB Work?
What Can I Upload to RFB?

Accident Reports
Asbestos Reports, Registers and Floor Plans
Building Surveys
Closed Circuit Water System Monitoring
COSHH Assessments
Fall Protection Equipment
Fire Risk Assessment
Fire Safety Equipment
Hazard & Near Miss Reports
Health & Safety Audits
Indoor Air Quality Inspections
Legionella Risk Assessments and Logbooks
Lift & Hoist Inspections
PAT & Fixed Wire Testing
Schematic Drawings
Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Monitoring
Tree Safety Inspections
Ventilation Inspections
Water Sampling

Upload any health, safety and compliance reports and risk assessments to one system
RFB accepts documents in a wide range of formats including PDF, Excel, Word, JPEG, PNG.
Centralise documentation from multiple service providers into one place
Allow third party contractors access to upload their own assessments and actions to RFB
Import and allocate remedial actions from any supplier via our unique action import wizard
Setup and manage site-specific monitoring logbooks, inspection regimes and compliance related PPMs
Use RFB’s dashboard reporting to oversee and report on which assessments are overdue
Create routine compliance monitoring tasks on RFB and assign to handheld MyDataCollector app users